
Commonmark4j is a CommonMark transformer.

The specification of this implementaion is defined by CommonMark Spec.

The official reference implementation was written in C and JavaScript. Commonmark4j is ported from commonmark.js.


Command Line

Commonmark4j can run from command line.

Usage: java -jar commonmark4j-[version].jar [options] [source] [dest]
  -help               print this help message.
  -safe               remove dangerous code.
  -smart              use smart characters.
  -softbreak <text>   set softbreak characters. (default: \n)
  -sourcepos          include source position information.
  -time               print total time.");
  -format {html,xml}  output as specified format. (default: html)

API Description

You can find the classes of this library in net.arnx.commonmark4j package.

The basic usage, use a CMarkTransformer class.

CMarkTransformer transformer = CMarkTransformer.newTransformer();

try (BufferedReader in = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get("..."));
    BufferedWriter out = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get("..."))) {

    transformer.transform(in, out);

If you want to use in same way as commonmark.js, you can use CMarkParser and CMarkRenderer.

CmarkNode node;

CMarkParser parser = CMarkParser.newParser();
try (BufferedReader in = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get("...")) {
    node = parser.parse(in);

CMarkRenderer renderer = CMarkRenderer.newHtmlRenderer();
try (BufferedWriter out = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get("..."))) {

Maven Repository

Commonmark4j is available in Maven central repository.



Commonmark4j is licensed by The 2 clause BSD License, see LICENSE.